[Libav-user] Capture Camera with Ffmpeg C Code

Hillel Rosensweig hillelro at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 20 00:01:02 EET 2022

 Thanks for the response! 
I actually modified transcoding.c, and wrote function  'open_input_source' based on 'open_input_file' to open a device address. (see attachment)
The example works, but stops after a single packet. How can  I change the function to capture continuous video stream?
    On Friday, March 18, 2022, 07:48:48 PM GMT+2, Yurii Monakov <monakov.y at gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hi, Hillel.

You can start with doc/examples/remuxing.c
ср, 16 марта 2022 г. в 17:56, Hillel Rosensweig via Libav-user <libav-user at ffmpeg.org>:

I have been trying to write a C program which will capture video from my webcam to a file, usinglibav.
I checked the C examples in the ffmpeg git but could not find one which fits this description.
I am sure I am not the first to try to do this - could you refer me to a thread on the list or a code source whichdeals with this issue?
Thank you so much,Hillel_______________________________________________
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