[Libav-user] Libavfilter - Dynamic filtergraph reconfiguration

ilkercan Kaya canilkerkaya at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 20:32:37 EET 2021

Hi Everyone,

I am making a mobile music app where the user can add multiple different
FXS at runtime to current playing music through a two dimensional pad with
an effects header. I am using FFmpeg, libavfilter in C++ to add multiple FX
to the audio.

My problem is, the user can disable any of the FX's I am using at any time
as they wish, the effects I use are agate, lowpass, highpass. The graph is:

abuffer -> lowpass -> highpass -> agate -> aformat -> abuffersink.

>From time to time, I want to disable some of the following  lowpass,
highpass, agate. So I thought I could just reconfigure the graph and
basically get rid of links to fulfil my wish. I am not sure this is the
right way to do it tho. I tried to dig online but all I could find was a
thread from 2012 with no conclusion. Libavfilter documentation doesn't say
anything about reconfigure or reset existing filtergraph (of that I could

What would be the best way to do this?

Thank you!
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