[Libav-user] list all available formats of webcam

Hans, Sven Sven.Hans at dermalog.com
Wed Apr 17 10:09:01 EEST 2019


probably I have to implement this functionality directly with Dshow in Windows and v4l2 in Linux. So the output in the console comes from the backend and not from ffmpeg?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Sven Hans
DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH
Systems Engineer

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From: Libav-user <libav-user-bounces at ffmpeg.org> On Behalf Of Hristo Ivanov
Sent: Dienstag, 16. April 2019 18:46
To: This list is about using libavcodec, libavformat, libavutil, libavdevice and libavfilter. <libav-user at ffmpeg.org>
Subject: Re: [Libav-user] list all available formats of webcam


I faced a similar problem:


I think there is no way to retrieve the information using the FFMPEG API.

As a workaround you can use a log call back to store the printed formats info and later parse that information.


Please share if you find a better solution.


DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH * Mittelweg 120, 20148 Hamburg, Germany
CEO/Managing Director: Günther Mull * Commercial Register: AG Hamburg HRB 69547
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