[Libav-user] Questions about decoding broken streams

Vasiliy Volkov volk.vasiliy at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 12:38:08 EEST 2018


I'm trying to deal with broken streams with libav. Sometimes streams can be
broken due to nature of incoming network channel (UDP multicast) but i'd
like to "fix them" as much as possible. I'm trying to fill broken frames
with last good decoded frame. There are situations when I can do such thing
and everything is ok but most of time it's not helping: libav tries to
decode broken stream and add some green frames (h264 decoding) which really
catch your eyes when you watch this stream after encoding.
Is it possible to change this color to black for example? Can libav while
decoding set some flags to frames and mark them as broken or "green"?
It will be helpful because next I'll can replace such frames with correctly
decoded which fix it.

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