[Libav-user] RTSP conecction using ffmpeg.

nacho collado del ser n.collado.ser at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 13:49:49 EEST 2017


I am Ignacio from Spain. I am a student of ffmpeg.

I text you because Im trying to do a RTSP connection using ffmpeg and I
dont find information or any example anywhere. At the moment I have thought
that I need two clases, one in the client side an other in the server side.
I have understood that the client side have to ask for to the server side
the connection, then its when the RTSP protocol starts. But I dont know how
could I program it.

The objective Its that the protocol creates the conecction and then the
server starts streaming video, all programed in C/C++.

If you could help me or tell me where I could find any example or something.

Thanks for your help,

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