[Libav-user] Getting a Frame question

M N assemblerx86 at yandex.com
Thu Sep 8 18:15:32 EEST 2016

08.09.2016, 17:57, "Carl Eugen Hoyos" <ceffmpeg at gmail.com>:
> Thank you for not top-posting, please also cut your quotes
> (especially the mailing list footer).
> My argumentation was:
> "Bananas do not work with forks, only with hands."
> Your answer is (afaict):
> "I never use hands, I am always using forks."
> I don't see how your answer is related to my claim.
> (That I tested.)
> Sorry, Carl Eugen

OK, the problem seems to be with FFMPEG not supporting MP4/H264, I have fixed the code and it works good with .AVI formats: http://pastebin.com/ptMZhUhc

But if I try .MP4 instead of .AVI, I get this error: http://pastebin.com/zfXDLQH8

However, its really weird that they put H264 as a supported encoder in their wiki.

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