[Libav-user] Accessing prores_ks codec from api

Gonzalo ggarra13 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 02:08:25 CET 2016

El 17/03/16 a las 17:00, Gonzalo escribiĆ³:
> I would like to access the prores_ks codec from the api as I read it 
> encodes better, but AV_CODEC_ID_PRORES selects the default prores 
> codec.  Can someone walk me thru?
To answer myself and for the record, the trick is to use:

codec = avcodec_find_encoder_by_name( "prores_ks" );

or if it fails:

desc = avcodec_descriptor_get_by_name( name );
if (desc)
     codec = avcodec_find_encoder( desc->id );

Gonzalo GarramuƱo
ggarra13 at gmail.com

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