[Libav-user] one question about multi-thread usage in filter graph

qw applemax82 at 163.com
Fri Apr 29 10:43:13 CEST 2016


There are two functions about filter graph:

int av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags     (     AVFilterContext *      buffer_src,
        AVFrame *      frame,
        int      flags

int av_buffersink_get_frame     (     AVFilterContext *      ctx,
        AVFrame *      frame

Input frames are pushed into filter graph by calling av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags(), and output frame are pulled from filter graph by calling av_buffersink_get_frame().

I want to make multi-thread program, where there are two threads. One thread is to push input frames into filter graph, and the other thread is to pull output frames from filter graph. Does the two filter graph functions support multi-thread where I can directly use the two functions without using any additional thread related functions?




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