[Libav-user] File does not seem to close

Kevin J. Brooks kbrooks at r2c-ss.com
Thu Aug 20 20:18:55 CEST 2015

I am using "av_interleaved_write_frame" to write the video frames. The 
plan is to add audio capture from a microphone as well.

I noticed avio_close_dyn_buf is wanting a pointer to a buffer. Since I 
don't explicitly create a buffer, I don't know where I should get it.

Kevin J. Brooks
Senior Software Engineer
R2C Support Services

On 8/20/2015 12:22 PM, cesar pachon wrote:
> maybe you are buffering the video before writing to the file?
> In my case I use a dynbuffer so I need to call avio_close_dyn_buf 
> after avcodec_close, and sws_freeContext.
> Cesar  Pachón
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> www.cesarpachon.com <http://www.cesarpachon.com>, just a digital hermit
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Kevin J. Brooks <kbrooks at r2c-ss.com 
> <mailto:kbrooks at r2c-ss.com>> wrote:
>     Hello All,
>     I am using the following function call to open the file for
>     encoding video:
>     avformat_alloc_output_context2(&m_oc, m_fmt, NULL, filePath.c_str());
>     Then when I want to stop recording the video, I use this function
>     to free it:
>     avformat_free_context(m_oc);
>     The issue is, if my program is still running and the user opens
>     Windows Explorer, the file size is showing as zero. Also, inside
>     my program the user can browse the directory and delete videos. 
>     If the user tries to delete a video that was created during the
>     current session, the file will not delete.  The user can open it
>     and play it, however.
>     I am assuming there is another function call I need to make to
>     properly close the file.  Can anyone tell me what call I am missing?
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