[Libav-user] Issue with decoding APE files

MichaƂ Kurowski mkurowski at n7mobile.com
Mon Aug 10 11:57:26 CEST 2015


On 2015-08-07 17:43, Nicolas George wrote:
> Scratch that: it will not skip every odd packet. My guess is that it will
> skip the second packet, and only it, replacing it with a duplicate of the
> first packet. For most contents it will be barely noticeable, but I urge you
> to double-check for the sake of correctness.

	It will take some time and testing before the release. I didn't hear any glitches, but then again, my hearing might not be that good and if the issue is only with the second packet (begining of the audio which tends to be very quiet in my test music), I may have completely missed it. When I finish some other work I will investigate this issue and I will let you know. Thanks again.

Best regards,

	Michal Kurowski

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