[Libav-user] transcode from and to memory buffer

Dmitry Adjiev adjiev.dmitry at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 14:57:39 CEST 2014

FFmpeg has transcoding example, but it doesn't work with network because it
can't detect the output format, you can set it manually (edit the code). I
tested it for udp, so currently I have udp video stream.
Ofcourse I made my code, but after investigation ot transcode example, so
the code is works under android too.

2014-07-31 16:53 GMT+04:00 Xiaofei Yang <yxf0605 at gmail.com>:

> Hi:
> I am doing audio stream transcoding things, the scenario is that I keep
> receiving audio data through HTTP protocol, storing it in memory buffer and
> meanwhile I have to transcode it to the required target format for further
> use. The original audio data may come in various formats. So the whole
> process runs like a stream. Could any one show me some hints how to do it?
> What are the key APIs ?
> Thanks.
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