[Libav-user] Reasons for "moov atom not found"

Harald Schlangmann harry at gps-laptimer.de
Sat Apr 19 14:38:49 CEST 2014

> Maybe something stupid, like libavformat not being compiled with large
> file awareness? Some libcs require you to do this to be able to seek
> past 2 GB.

How do I set this large file awareness? The corrupted files are indeed larger than 2 GB.
The video is generated on an Android device (i.e. NDK / JNI), libc used is the one provided with NDK.

Greetings Harald

Harald Schlangmann
Antwerpener Str. 52, 50672 Köln, Germany
+49 151 2265 4439
Harry at gps-laptimer.de
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