[Libav-user] FFmpeg compiling in iphone

SP Tech sptech420 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 10:34:19 CET 2013

I need to develop an iphone app that streams live video to wowza server.
For encoding the captured video in H.264 and to compress it i need to use
FFmpeg. I am unable to proceed because of limited content on internet
explaining compilation of FFmpeg.
I used https://github.com/lajos/iFrameExtractor to start with compiling of
FFmpeg, but i dont understand how to use the generated files in my
application. I am using AVFoundation and can successfully generate the
video but dont know how to compile the captured video through FFmpeg. Any
link that could help in starting with compiling and using ffmpeg in iphone
would be of great help.

Thank You
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