[Libav-user] Audio quality loss while encoding

Claudio Freire klaussfreire at gmail.com
Wed May 1 00:21:40 CEST 2013

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 7:09 PM, Kalileo <kalileo at universalx.net> wrote:
>> The native aac encoder is better than most non-experimental
>> audio encoders for stereo input, it is not good for >2 channels
>> (which is not supported at all by most other encoders).
> I can confirm that, we use the "experimental" ffmpeg aac in production on a lot of transcoders (stereo), and there are absolutely zero problems, nada, nothing, everybody is happy with the quality. It might not have all the features possible, but it is great as it is already, we love it.
> If there is the impression created here that ffmpeg aac would have a quality problem, then I strongly disagree, based on real practical experience using it every day.
> Please do not remove it, unless there is a better one included instead.

Indeed this symptom seems to happen only with >2 channels.

Is there any possibility of improvement here? Or is there some legal
blockage or something like that?

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