[Libav-user] Sample format questions

Paul B Mahol onemda at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 18:29:22 CET 2013

On 3/26/13, Brad O'Hearne <brado at bighillsoftware.com> wrote:
> I have four questions:
> 1. Is there a function out there to return the proper sample format based
> upon whether a sample is linear / planar, signed/unsigned, and byte size? In
> samplefmt.h, it seems there are functions to retrieve the sample format by
> name, or switch between linear and planar formats, but no functions to
> determine which sample format should be used based upon sample buffer
> attributes. Does such a function exist elsewhere?

sample format is set by decoder to what sample format decoder outputs its data,
similar apply for encoder input.

> 2. To confirm, are all linear sample formats with more than one channel
> interleaved by default? In other words, must all linear sample format data
> be interleaved as such (pseudocode):
> ch1[0] -> ch2[0] -> ch1[1] -> ch2[2] -> ... -> ch1[n] -> ch2[n]

any planar sample format with more than 1 channel is not interleaved.

> 3. Is endianness in every sample format native endian, meaning, for example,
> that if I have a float in a captured sample buffer which is native endian it
> will require no conversion to a sample format endianness?

Yes, it is required that data be in native endian order.

> 4. Is there a function that will output the endianness for a sample format
> at runtime? I read what the documentation says, but having been at a brick
> wall with processing captured audio, I need verification that the sample
> format I'm converting into is indeed apples:apples.

As already mentioned data is always in native endian, its decoder

> Thanks,
> Brad
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