[Libav-user] H264 misses every 16th packet

Czarnek, Matt mczarnek at objectvideo.com
Wed Mar 20 22:07:01 CET 2013


I am connecting to an H264 stream and streaming video from it.  When
streaming from one camera it works, when streaming from the other one, it
seems like exactly every 16th frame I am getting an error message along the
lines of:

[NULL @ 000bc800] RTP:missed 152 packets
[h264 @ 000b7bc0] error while decoding MB 19 16, bytestream (-14)
[h264 @ 000b7bc0] concealing 6270 DC, 6270 AC, 6270 MV error in I frame

The numbers are often slightly different.  Both streams are correctly
streamed by VLC.  Any thoughts as to how I could fix this?

Thank you,
Matt Czarnek, Software Engineer
Work Phone:  (760) 4-OBJVID
             aka:  (760) 462-5843


ObjectVideo Inc.

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