[Libav-user] MOOV Atom Not Found

Mark Kenna mark.kenna at sureviewsystems.com
Thu Aug 30 17:38:23 CEST 2012

On 30 August 2012 16:08, Camera Man <i.like.privacy.too at gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> On 08/29/2012 11:53 AM, Mark Kenna wrote:
> Can someone tell me how a conversion for live streaming is possible? Also,
> I would be doing the file conversion dynamically in memory which means that
> I cannot just encode a file, re-position the MOOV atom and then stream.
> If you can estimate the needed size of the moov atom, you can reserve
> space with the -moov_size option (added in the last year, I think); this
> would remove the need for qt-faststart and friends, and you could do
> everything in one pass. (There will be wasted space for sure, but if your
> estimate is reasonable it will not be too bad)
> Do note, however, that ffmpeg will only write that MOOV atom after all the
> data is in the file, so it will not let you start streaming any earlier
> than you could with qt-faststart or mp4box.
> If you want immediate live streaming, perhaps HTTPLiveStreaming (HLS) will
> be better for you. If you want MP4 output, you'll have to finish making the
> file before starting to play it, regardless of whether it plays immediately
> when it starts streaming.
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Ok - thanks for the info. I'm trying to implement HTTP live streaming for
HTML5 (or at least determine whether it's possible at this point). Maybe I
will try and use WEBM then?

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