[FFmpeg-user] converting 1080 to 720 mpeg2

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Tue Feb 28 13:21:51 CET 2012

Ian Evans <dheianevans <at> gmail.com> writes:

> ffmpeg -vsync 2 -async 1 -i 1662_20120226204000.mpg -t 00:10:00.000 -f
> mpegts -vcodec mpeg2video -vf scale=1280:720 -an video-01.mpeg.ts

For your use-case, you should specify a constant quantizer (not bitrate) 
so you nearly don't loose any quality, try -qscale 2.

I suspect your plan has to fail if you don't add -r 30000/1001.

Depending on the content of your recording, you absolutely need a 
de-interlacer (yadif) for this whole task.

Carl Eugen

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