[FFmpeg-soc] libavfilter - filter for .ass subtitle rendering using libass

Alexey Lebedeff binarin at binarin.ru
Wed Feb 25 10:42:16 CET 2009

On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 22:16:56 +0100, Aurelien Jacobs wrote:

 AJ> This is indeed primitive.
But it works here and now.

 AJ> A clean filter shouldn't take a full media file as parameter. It
 AJ> should instead just receive some AVSubtitleRect in its input
 AJ> pine, just the same as other filters are receiving some AVFrame.
 AJ> Well, we first need an ASS "decoder" which would simply takes the
 AJ> ASS events from AVPacket and put them into AVSubtitleRect, but
 AJ> that should be quite easy to implement.
Looks like decoder is already done. I'll try to rewrite my code in
this way.
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