[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 5/5] lavu/mathematics: Return early if either a or b is zero

Tomas Härdin git at haerdin.se
Fri May 31 18:21:34 EEST 2024

fre 2024-05-31 klockan 02:22 +0200 skrev Michael Niedermayer:
> On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 12:15:27AM +0200, Tomas Härdin wrote:
> > This doesn't really fix anything, it just makes the value analysis
> > easier. I don't feel strongly about it.
> if it doesnt fix anything and it doesnt make the code faster
> for our usecases, then i would say that it shouldnt be in a
> production build
> but not feeling strongly about this either

I'll hold off on this one for the time being since again it's mostly
there to make analysis easier. I have an even more *interesting* change
that defaults to the long division version in more cases which makes
things slower for the sake of correctness

I'll push the other four patches in a day or two since the only real
feedback was cosmetic, and we can discuss cosmetics until the cows come


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