[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 1/3] doc: Explain what "context" means

Andrew Sayers ffmpeg-devel at pileofstuff.org
Wed May 22 15:47:36 EEST 2024

On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 12:37:37PM +0200, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
> On date Sunday 2024-05-05 22:04:36 +0100, Andrew Sayers wrote:
> > I'm still travelling, so the following thoughts might be a bit
> > half-formed.  But I wanted to get some feedback before sitting down
> > for a proper think.
> [...]
> > > > I've also gone through the code looking for edge cases we haven't covered.
> > > > Here are some questions trying to prompt an "oh yeah I forgot to mention
> > > > that"-type answer.  Anything where the answer is more like "that should
> > > > probably be rewritten to be clearer", let me know and I'll avoid confusing
> > > > newbies with it.
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > > av_ambient_viewing_environment_create_side_data() takes an AVFrame as its
> > > > first argument, and returns a new AVAmbientViewingEnvironment.  What is the
> > > > context object for that function - AVFrame or AVAmbientViewingEnvironment?
> > > 
> > > But this should be clear from the doxy:
> > > 
> > > /**
> > >  * Allocate and add an AVAmbientViewingEnvironment structure to an existing
> > >  * AVFrame as side data.
> > >  *
> > >  * @return the newly allocated struct, or NULL on failure
> > >  */
> > > AVAmbientViewingEnvironment *av_ambient_viewing_environment_create_side_data(AVFrame *frame);
> > 
> > I'm afraid it's not clear, at least to me.  I think you're saying the
> > AVFrame is the context because a "create" function can't have a
> > context any more than a C++ "new" can be called as a member.  But the
> > function's prefix points to the other conclusion, and neither signal
> > is clear enough on its own.
> No, what I'm saying is that in some cases you don't need to think in
> terms of contexts, in this case there is no context at all, the
> function takes a frame and modify it, and returns the ambient
> environment to be used by the following functions. This should be very
> clear by reading the doxy. There is no rule dictating the first param
> of each FFmpeg function should be a "context".

I'm still writing up a reply to your longer feedback, but on this topic...

This function is in the "av_ambient_viewing_environment" namespace, and returns
an object that is clearly used as a context for other functions.  So saying
"stop thinking about contexts" just leaves a negative space and a bad thing
to fill it with (confusion in my case).

I've found it useful to think about "receiving" vs. "producing" a context:

* avcodec_alloc_context3() produces a context, but does not receive one
* sws_init_context() receives a context, but does not produce one
* av_ambient_viewing_environment_create_side_data() receives one context,
  and produces another

How about if the document mostly talks about functions as having contexts,
then follows it up with something like:

    There are some edge cases where this doesn't work.  <examples>.
    If you find contexts a useful metaphor in these cases, you might
    prefer to think about them as "receiving" and "producing" contexts.

... or something similar that acknowledges contexts are unnecessary here,
but provides a solution for people that want to use them anyway.

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