[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 01/10, v2] avutil: add hwcontext_amf.

Lynne dev at lynne.ee
Thu May 2 00:10:36 EEST 2024

May 1, 2024, 20:38 by ovchinnikov.dmitrii at gmail.com:

> Adds hwcontext_amf, which allows to use shared AMF
> context for the encoder, decoder and AMF-based filters,
> without copy to the host memory.
> It will also allow you to use some optimizations in
> the interaction of components (for example, SAV) and make a more
> manageable and optimal setup for using GPU devices with AMF
> in the case of a fully AMF pipeline.
> It will be a significant performance uplift when full AMF pipeline
> with filters is used.
> We also plan to add Compression artefact removal filter in near feature.
> v2: cleanup header files, fixed naming and formats

Vulkan encode is quite soon going to get all features needed to allow for
all vendor-specific optimizations to be exposed, though I think you should
already be in the loop.
Is there a reason to add this code in now? AMF is still hardly that used,
at least in the Linux world, as it isn't really packaged everywhere,
and on Windows, D3D12 is gaining more traction.

AMD has also already released all FSR-based code for upscaling.

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