[FFmpeg-devel] Two weird requests

Unidef Defshrizzle jon at unidef.org
Thu Feb 27 10:03:30 EET 2020

Could you integrate this code into ffmpeg?

https://unidef.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/qlib.zip <https://unidef.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/qlib.zip>

And with bitshifting, there needs to be a master function

I dont know the bit shifting code well, but I can try

Void frame(FSTRUCT *frame){
	master_bitshifting_function(*frame >> 1001, “command”, ARGUMENTS[])
	// code

Ill try to learn bit shifting and tool around with it, basically it computes additional arguments in the master function for dynamics

The reason im posting this is one day I want to implement a ffmpeg frontend to qlib

Thank you, please dont flame me, and have a great encoding day..


Ps be sure to use master copies of encoding sources

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