[FFmpeg-devel] Audio conversion and floating-point codecs

Ronald S. Bultje rsbultje
Tue May 18 00:46:57 CEST 2010


2010/5/17 M?ns Rullg?rd <mans at mansr.com>:
> Frank Barchard <fbarchard at google.com> writes:
>> Planar requires interleaving before it can be played. ?Is there a
>> compelling advantage?
> 1. The user might want it like that.
> 2. The existing float2int16 asm does interleaving more or less for free.
> ? A separate interleaving pass would definitely be slower.

I think the real reason is that for most audio codecs, this is the
natural way in which they decode (and thus store) individual audio
frames. Thus, decoding in this format is faster and simpler.


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