[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/2] Prettify eval.h doxy.

Stefano Sabatini stefano.sabatini-lala
Tue Jun 1 10:26:01 CEST 2010

 libavcodec/eval.h |   73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/eval.h b/libavcodec/eval.h
index e37b11a..1db2b0c 100644
--- a/libavcodec/eval.h
+++ b/libavcodec/eval.h
@@ -33,18 +33,26 @@ typedef struct AVExpr AVExpr;
  * Note, this is significantly slower than ff_eval_expr().
  * @param res a pointer to a double where is put the result value of
- * the expression, or NAN in case of error
- * @param s expression as a zero terminated string for example "1+2^3+5*5+sin(2/3)"
- * @param const_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings of constant identifers for example {"PI", "E", 0}
- * @param const_values a zero terminated array of values for the identifers from const_names
- * @param func1_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings of funcs1 identifers
- * @param funcs1 NULL terminated array of function pointers for functions which take 1 argument
- * @param func2_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings of funcs2 identifers
- * @param funcs2 NULL terminated array of function pointers for functions which take 2 arguments
- * @param opaque a pointer which will be passed to all functions from funcs1 and funcs2
+ *        the expression, or NAN in case of invalid expression
+ * @param s expression as a zero terminated string, for example
+ *        "1+2^3+5*5+sin(2/3)"
+ * @param const_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings
+ *        of constant identifers, for example {"PI", "E", 0}
+ * @param const_values a zero terminated array of values for the
+ *        identifers from const_names
+ * @param func1_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings
+ *        of funcs1 identifers
+ * @param funcs1 NULL terminated array of function pointers for
+ *        functions which take 1 argument
+ * @param func2_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings
+ *        of funcs2 identifers
+ * @param funcs2 NULL terminated array of function pointers for
+ *        functions which take 2 arguments
+ * @param opaque a pointer which will be passed to all functions from
+ *        funcs1 and funcs2
  * @param log_ctx parent logging context
  * @return 0 in case of success, a negative value corresponding to an
- * AVERROR code otherwise
+ *        AVERROR code otherwise
 int ff_parse_and_eval_expr(double *res, const char *s,
                            const char * const *const_names, const double *const_values,
@@ -56,18 +64,24 @@ int ff_parse_and_eval_expr(double *res, const char *s,
  * Parses an expression.
  * @param expr a pointer where is put an AVExpr containing the parsed
- * value in case of successfull parsing, or NULL otherwise.
- * The pointed to AVExpr must be freed with ff_free_expr() by the user
- * when it is not needed anymore.
- * @param s expression as a zero terminated string for example "1+2^3+5*5+sin(2/3)"
- * @param const_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings of constant identifers for example {"PI", "E", 0}
- * @param func1_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings of funcs1 identifers
- * @param funcs1 NULL terminated array of function pointers for functions which take 1 argument
- * @param func2_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings of funcs2 identifers
- * @param funcs2 NULL terminated array of function pointers for functions which take 2 arguments
+ *        value in case of successfull parsing, or NULL otherwise.
+ *        The pointed to AVExpr must be freed with ff_free_expr() by
+ *        the user when it is not needed anymore.
+ * @param s expression as a zero terminated string, for example
+ *        "1+2^3+5*5+sin(2/3)"
+ * @param const_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings
+ *        of constant identifers, for example {"PI", "E", 0}
+ * @param func1_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings
+ *        of funcs1 identifers
+ * @param funcs1 NULL terminated array of function pointers for
+ *        functions which take 1 argument
+ * @param func2_names NULL terminated array of zero terminated strings
+ *        of funcs2 identifers
+ * @param funcs2 NULL terminated array of function pointers for
+ *        functions which take 2 arguments
  * @param log_ctx parent logging context
  * @return 0 in case of success, a negative value corresponding to an
- * AVERROR code otherwise
+ *        AVERROR code otherwise
 int ff_parse_expr(AVExpr **expr, const char *s,
                   const char * const *const_names,
@@ -78,8 +92,10 @@ int ff_parse_expr(AVExpr **expr, const char *s,
  * Evaluates a previously parsed expression.
- * @param const_values a zero terminated array of values for the identifers from ff_parse() const_names
- * @param opaque a pointer which will be passed to all functions from funcs1 and funcs2
+ * @param const_values a zero terminated array of values for the
+ *        identifers from ff_parse() const_names
+ * @param opaque a pointer which will be passed to all functions from
+ *        funcs1 and funcs2
  * @return the value of the expression
 double ff_eval_expr(AVExpr *e, const double *const_values, void *opaque);
@@ -98,13 +114,14 @@ void ff_free_expr(AVExpr *e);
  * of numstr.
  * @param numstr a string representing a number, may contain one of
- * the International System number postfixes, for example 'K', 'M',
- * 'G'. If 'i' is appended after the postfix, powers of 2 are used
- * instead of powers of 10. The 'B' postfix multiplies the value for
- * 8, and can be appended after another postfix or used alone. This
- * allows using for example 'KB', 'MiB', 'G' and 'B' as postfix.
+ *        the International System number postfixes, for example 'K',
+ *        'M', 'G'. If 'i' is appended after the postfix, powers of 2
+ *        are used instead of powers of 10. The 'B' postfix multiplies
+ *        the value for 8, and can be appended after another postfix
+ *        or used alone. This allows using for example 'KB', 'MiB',
+ *        'G' and 'B' as postfix.
  * @param tail if non-NULL puts here the pointer to the char next
- * after the last parsed character
+ *        after the last parsed character
 double av_strtod(const char *numstr, char **tail);

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