[FFmpeg-devel] ffmpegs future version control system

Andy Parkins andyparkins
Tue May 15 15:31:08 CEST 2007

On Sunday 2007 May 13, Michael Niedermayer wrote:

> something like FFmpeg version GIT-foobarbranch-2007-05-13_03:09:51 ?
> or FFmpeg version foobar070513_030951 ?

Check out git-describe.

For example, from my git respository:

$ git-describe

This is made of three parts:

 v1.5.2-rc3  = most recent annotated tag from current HEAD
 29          = number of commits on this branch since that tag
 gd7d7255    = "g" then first 7 hex digits of current HEAD's hash

When HEAD is at a tag, git-describe returns only the tag, so if you've just 
tagged a release (for example), then you compile that version, you would not 
get the second two fields.

This string is a reasonably human readable globally unique identifier for a 
particular revision.

Dr Andy Parkins, M Eng (hons), MIET
andyparkins at gmail.com

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