[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Suggested Patch for "Memory" Protocol

Lagrange Multiplier lmultiplier
Wed May 2 17:01:20 CEST 2007


    Would the ffmpeg development team consider including the following patch to support a "mem" protocol?  The "mem" protocol simply uses RAM as a source for input multimedia data, akin to how the "file" and "pipe" protocols use filesystem files and pipes as sources.

    While this patch would be particularly useful for embedded systems (in particular, ones with DSPs that partially or fully encode multimedia data rather than "frame-grabber"-type systems), I'm sure one can see the general applicability as well...  The modifications consist mostly of the addition of libavformat/mem.c, but I've included some C++ compatability wrapping for some of the internal headers as well.

    Thanks for your time...

                                                 - LM

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