[FFmpeg-cvslog] fate: try to fix mxpeg failures

Michael Niedermayer git at videolan.org
Mon Nov 5 02:22:00 CET 2012

ffmpeg | branch: master | Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at> | Mon Nov  5 02:09:38 2012 +0100| [b015cd7eda9f1cdaf92f5275eb3bb3822b0b34cf] | committer: Michael Niedermayer

fate: try to fix mxpeg failures

Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=b015cd7eda9f1cdaf92f5275eb3bb3822b0b34cf

 tests/fate/video.mak |    2 +-
 tests/ref/fate/mxpeg |   60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/fate/video.mak b/tests/fate/video.mak
index 28c5b85..93f6a0f 100644
--- a/tests/fate/video.mak
+++ b/tests/fate/video.mak
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ FATE_VIDEO-$(call DEMDEC, MPEGTS, MPEG2VIDEO) += fate-mpeg2-field-enc
 fate-mpeg2-field-enc: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -dct fastint -idct simple -i $(SAMPLES)/mpeg2/mpeg2_field_encoding.ts -an
 FATE_VIDEO-$(call DEMDEC, MXG, MXPEG) += fate-mxpeg
-fate-mxpeg: CMD = framecrc -i $(SAMPLES)/mxpeg/m1.mxg -an
+fate-mxpeg: CMD = framecrc -idct simple -flags +bitexact -i $(SAMPLES)/mxpeg/m1.mxg -an
 # FIXME dropped frames in this test because of coarse timebase
 FATE_NUV += fate-nuv-rtjpeg
diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/mxpeg b/tests/ref/fate/mxpeg
index eeb4b3a..90af90f 100644
--- a/tests/ref/fate/mxpeg
+++ b/tests/ref/fate/mxpeg
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
 #tb 0: 4/63
-0,          0,          0,        1,  1843200, 0xfbc64e5e
-0,          4,          4,        1,  1843200, 0x0325436d
-0,          6,          6,        1,  1843200, 0x72293af6
-0,          8,          8,        1,  1843200, 0x608b48a1
-0,         12,         12,        1,  1843200, 0x95b55713
-0,         14,         14,        1,  1843200, 0x30f2575d
-0,         16,         16,        1,  1843200, 0xafe6653a
-0,         18,         18,        1,  1843200, 0x483b67ef
-0,         22,         22,        1,  1843200, 0x9da77507
-0,         24,         24,        1,  1843200, 0xff4e61b5
-0,         26,         26,        1,  1843200, 0xd10881df
-0,         30,         30,        1,  1843200, 0x43806847
-0,         32,         32,        1,  1843200, 0xe0656da0
-0,         34,         34,        1,  1843200, 0x21698a2f
-0,         38,         38,        1,  1843200, 0x9bdd7bd8
-0,         40,         40,        1,  1843200, 0x7dfd76e1
-0,         42,         42,        1,  1843200, 0xd2f381d3
-0,         44,         44,        1,  1843200, 0x394f754c
-0,         48,         48,        1,  1843200, 0x4447830c
-0,         50,         50,        1,  1843200, 0x1f1c9d2c
-0,         52,         52,        1,  1843200, 0x5d897cfb
-0,         54,         54,        1,  1843200, 0x67cc804e
-0,         58,         58,        1,  1843200, 0xce0d792f
-0,         60,         60,        1,  1843200, 0x732b6e3a
-0,         62,         62,        1,  1843200, 0xe1e95c01
-0,         64,         64,        1,  1843200, 0x5fe55a6e
-0,         68,         68,        1,  1843200, 0x9f2a4943
-0,         70,         70,        1,  1843200, 0xbff12c77
-0,         72,         72,        1,  1843200, 0xe9812e89
-0,         74,         74,        1,  1843200, 0x70632ca1
+0,          0,          0,        1,  1843200, 0x868a4e64
+0,          4,          4,        1,  1843200, 0x8dda4373
+0,          6,          6,        1,  1843200, 0xfcde3afc
+0,          8,          8,        1,  1843200, 0xeb4048a7
+0,         12,         12,        1,  1843200, 0xe2aa5718
+0,         14,         14,        1,  1843200, 0x86c35765
+0,         16,         16,        1,  1843200, 0x05c66542
+0,         18,         18,        1,  1843200, 0x020967f8
+0,         22,         22,        1,  1843200, 0x57757510
+0,         24,         24,        1,  1843200, 0xb91c61be
+0,         26,         26,        1,  1843200, 0x702381e9
+0,         30,         30,        1,  1843200, 0xe28c6851
+0,         32,         32,        1,  1843200, 0x7f806daa
+0,         34,         34,        1,  1843200, 0xc0758a39
+0,         38,         38,        1,  1843200, 0x3af87be2
+0,         40,         40,        1,  1843200, 0x1d1876eb
+0,         42,         42,        1,  1843200, 0x720e81dd
+0,         44,         44,        1,  1843200, 0xd85b7556
+0,         48,         48,        1,  1843200, 0xb9968314
+0,         50,         50,        1,  1843200, 0x946b9d34
+0,         52,         52,        1,  1843200, 0xd2d87d03
+0,         54,         54,        1,  1843200, 0xdd1b8056
+0,         58,         58,        1,  1843200, 0x436b7937
+0,         60,         60,        1,  1843200, 0xe87a6e42
+0,         62,         62,        1,  1843200, 0x57475c09
+0,         64,         64,        1,  1843200, 0xc3b45a77
+0,         68,         68,        1,  1843200, 0x0308494c
+0,         70,         70,        1,  1843200, 0x1ed02c80
+0,         72,         72,        1,  1843200, 0x48602e92
+0,         74,         74,        1,  1843200, 0xcf332caa

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