[DVDnav-discuss] dvdbackup and the skipping unused/bad sectors patch

Benjamin Drung benjamin.drung at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 20:41:03 CET 2008


Don Mahurin has modified [1] dvdbackup [2] to find and avoid unused
blocks by following title set titles, and then skips the unused blocks.
The purpose of this modification is to avoid possible bad sectors that
sometimes occur, by manufacturer defect or intention, in unused regions
of the disc.

The titleset titles are followed using libdvdread and "libdvdvm"
extracted from libdvdnav. The "libdvdvm" parts are not perfect, as some
jump instructions are skipped to avoid the actual execution of the Jump,
which fails in this isolated use of the library.

It would be nice if this "libdvdnav" could be separated from libdvdnav
into a standalone library. In libdvdnav 4.1.3 there is already an
directory called vm.

[1] http://dvdbackupx.openright.org/
[2] http://dvdbackup.sourceforge.net/

Benjamin Drung

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