[DVDnav-discuss] quick explanation needed

gui42 at free.fr gui42 at free.fr
Thu Jul 19 09:23:45 CEST 2007

Good morning

As I compiled mplayer this weekend, I discovered dvdnav was under work again, so
tried it.
It compiles well (just one weird thing is that configure is called configure2),
but it doesn't work any better with mplayer :
I install libdvdnav on its own (making a package), and I then compile mplayer
(for which I have to modify configure, line 7308, replace minilibs by libs,
otherwise mplayer couldn't find dvdnav) but I get messages complaining that it
can't find some reference in a function (sorry I didn't copy the messages).

Could you please just modify the Install file so that everybody could know if
there is anything special to do to compile libdvdnav itself and/or mplayer ?

Thanks for your good work anyway,

Have a nice day,


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