<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>Hi everyone </DIV>
<DIV>Iam trying to record a live stream for long time period like 25min from a russian tv channel TNV website the page address is <A href="http://tnv.ru/online/640">http://tnv.ru/online/640</A></DIV>
<DIV>sometimes rtmpdump gives me </DIV>
<DIV>ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header and when just closes the connection.</DIV>
<DIV>here are my parameteres</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -v 30 -V -o test2.flv -B 1500</DIV>
<DIV>here is what i get</DIV>
<DIV>RTMPDump v2.3<BR>(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL<BR>DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP<BR>DEBUG: Hostname :<BR>DEBUG: Port : 80<BR>DEBUG: Playpath : tnv1200<BR>DEBUG: tcUrl : rtmp://<BR>DEBUG: app : live<BR>DEBUG: StopTime : 1500000 msec<BR>DEBUG: live : yes<BR>DEBUG: timeout : 30 sec<BR>DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms<BR>Connecting ...<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking<BR>DEBUG: HandShake: Type Answer : 03<BR>DEBUG: HandShake: Server Uptime : 1064061220<BR>DEBUG: HandShake: FMS Version :<BR>DEBUG: HandShake: Handshaking finished....<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, handshaked<BR>DEBUG: Invoking connect<BR>INFO: Connected...<BR>DEBUG: HandleServerBW: server BW = 2500000<BR>DEBUG: HandleClientBW: client
BW = 2500000 2<BR>DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 0, len: 6<BR>DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Stream Begin 0<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 240 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: fmsVer, STRING: FMS/3,5,1,516><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: capabilities, NUMBER: 31.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: mode, NUMBER: 1.00><BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: level, STRING: status><BR>DEBUG: Property:
<Name: code, STRING: NetConnection.Connect.Su<BR>ccess><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: description, STRING: Connection succeeded.><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: objectEncoding, NUMBER: 0.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: data, OBJECT><BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: version, STRING: 3,5,1,516><BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_result><BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, received result for method call <connect><BR>DEBUG: sending ctrl. type:
0x0003<BR>DEBUG: Invoking createStream<BR>DEBUG: FCSubscribe: tnv1200<BR>DEBUG: Invoking FCSubscribe<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 21 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: NULL<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <onBWDone><BR>DEBUG: Invoking _checkbw<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 29 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: NULL<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_result><BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, received result for method call <createStream><BR>DEBUG: SendPlay, seekTime=0, stopTime=1500000, sending play: tnv1200<BR>DEBUG: Invoking play<BR>DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0003<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 35 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: NULL<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_onbwcheck><BR>DEBUG: Invoking _result<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke
119 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: NULL<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: level, STRING: error><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: code, STRING: NetConnection.Call.Faile<BR>d><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: description, STRING: Method not found (FCSubs<BR>cribe).><BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_error><BR>ERROR: rtmp server sent error<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 57 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: NULL<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <onBWDone><BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 20
bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: NULL<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_result><BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, received result id 0 without matching request<BR>DEBUG: HandleChangeChunkSize, received: chunk size change to 4096<BR>DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 0, len: 6<BR>DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Stream Begin 1<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 156 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: NULL<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: level, STRING: status><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: code, STRING: NetStream.Play.Reset><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: description, STRING: Playing and
resetting tn<BR>v1200.><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: details, STRING: tnv1200><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: clientid, STRING: uUqIgtcN><BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <onStatus><BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, onStatus: NetStream.Play.Reset<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 150 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: NULL<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: level, STRING: status><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: code, STRING: NetStream.Play.Start><BR>DEBUG: Property:
<Name: description, STRING: Started playing tnv1200.<BR>><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: details, STRING: tnv1200><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: clientid, STRING: uUqIgtcN><BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <onStatus><BR>DEBUG: HandleInvoke, onStatus: NetStream.Play.Start<BR>Starting Live Stream<BR>For duration: 1500.000 sec<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: notify 24 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: notify 525 bytes<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: (object begin)<BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: author,
STRING: ><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: copyright, STRING: ><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: description, STRING: ><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: keywords, STRING: ><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: rating, STRING: ><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: title, STRING: ><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: presetname, STRING: Custom><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: creationdate,
STRING: Sun Oct 03 23:39:16 2010</DIV>
<DIV>><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: videodevice, STRING: Decklink Video Capture><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: framerate, NUMBER: 25.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: width, NUMBER: 640.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: height, NUMBER: 480.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: videocodecid, STRING: avc1><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: videodatarate, NUMBER: 900.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: avclevel,
NUMBER: 41.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: avcprofile, NUMBER: 66.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: videokeyframe_freq, NUMBER: 5.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: audiodevice, STRING: Decklink Audio Capture><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: audiosamplerate, NUMBER: 44100.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: audiochannels, NUMBER: 1.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: audioinputvolume, NUMBER: 75.00><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: audiocodecid, STRING: .mp3><BR>DEBUG: Property: <Name: audiodatarate, NUMBER:
96.00><BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>DEBUG: (object end)<BR>INFO: Metadata:<BR>INFO: author<BR>INFO: copyright<BR>INFO: description<BR>INFO: keywords<BR>INFO: rating<BR>INFO: title<BR>INFO: presetname Custom<BR>INFO: creationdate Sun Oct 03 23:39:16 2010<BR>INFO: videodevice Decklink Video Capture<BR>INFO: framerate 25.00<BR>INFO: width 640.00<BR>INFO: height
480.00<BR>INFO: videocodecid avc1<BR>INFO: videodatarate 900.00<BR>INFO: avclevel 41.00<BR>INFO: avcprofile 66.00<BR>INFO: videokeyframe_frequency5.00<BR>INFO: audiodevice Decklink Audio Capture<BR>INFO: audiosamplerate 44100.00<BR>INFO: audiochannels 1.00<BR>INFO: audioinputvolume 75.00<BR>INFO: audiocodecid .mp3<BR>INFO:
audiodatarate 96.00<BR>0.608 kB / 0.00 sec<BR>DEBUG: ignoring too small video packet: size: 2<BR>542.930 kB / 0.00 sec<BR>DEBUG: ignoring too small video packet: size: 2<BR>DEBUG: ignoring too small audio packet: size: 0<BR>2978.459 kB / 19.72 sec<BR>DEBUG: Invoking deleteStream<BR>ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header<BR>3013.834 kB / 19.98 sec<BR>DEBUG: RTMP_Read returned: 0<BR>Download complete<BR>DEBUG: Closing connection.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>i tried supplying rtmpdumpwith -W parameter and a -f to see if thay helps but it made no differense still received failed to read RTMP packet header simetime during recording process</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>i have also tried to record for a longer time 3010sec</DIV>
<DIV>with the same parameters as above(only changed the -B parameter) </DIV>
<DIV>and got no "failed to read RTMP packet header" error this time </DIV>
<DIV>however rtmpdump stops after receving NetStream.Play.UnpublishNotify </DIV>
<DIV>although i can see the stream in my browser just fine</DIV>
<DIV>is there an option for rtmpdump to wait n seconds and check if the stream is availible again,</DIV>
<DIV>or will this kind of option be avaliable in future?</DIV>
<DIV><BR> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV></td></tr></table><br>