[rtmpdump] Future of rtmpdump/librtmp

Howard Chu hyc at highlandsun.com
Tue Jun 18 15:55:09 EEST 2024

Phil Cluff wrote:
> Hey folks, 
> RTMP and RTMPS are still used extensively in the live streaming industry as a contribution protocol - platforms like Twitch are overwhelmingly still RTMP,
> having only introduced alternate contribution protocols in the last few months. 
> While open protocols such as SRT are much more widely supported across encoders than they used to be, RTMP(S) usage will still be around for a long time yet,
> there's even projects like enhanced RTMP [1] trying to breath new life back into it. 
> [1] https://github.com/veovera/enhanced-rtmp

Wow, what a waste of effort.

"These enhancements are designed to align RTMP with contemporary streaming technology standards, ensuring its relevance and efficacy in today's digital landscape."

The way to stay aligned with contemporary streaming technology standards is to *use*
contemporary streaming technology *standards*. Not keep beating an obsolete proprietary dead horse.
> Thanks.
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 9:58 PM Howard Chu via rtmpdump <rtmpdump at mplayerhq.hu <mailto:rtmpdump at mplayerhq.hu>> wrote:
>     Kai Pastor, DG0YT wrote:
>     > Hello,
>     >
>     > I'm a contributor to the vcpkg repository. librtmp aka rtmpdump is packaged in vcpkg.
>     >
>     > This year's rtmpdump mailing list archives show something "tentatively" called version 2.6 but also the recommendation that "nobody should be using it any
>     > more." This is a little bit confusing.
>     >
>     > Will there be an official release 2.6 (preferably in the form of a tarball)?
>     Maybe. We haven't done tarballs in quite a long time. A git tag would be more likely.
>     >
>     > What is the recommendation on the proliferation of usage of librtmp/rtmpdump:
>     >  - accept new downstream references (such as adding an rtmp feature to the curl port in vcpkg),
>     curl support of librtmp has been around for many years already.
>     > - freeze the current status, or
>     > - actively delist it from registries (like vcpkg)?
>     The statement "nobody should be using this any more" is about RTMP itself.
>     Adobe officially killed Flash, as of December 31, 2020.
>     https://www.howtogeek.com/700229/adobe-flash-is-deadheres-what-that-means/
>     Flash was the only official client for RTMP. With that gone, there's no reason for anybody to
>     be using an RTMP server any more, and thus no reason for anyone to be using librtmp in any
>     clients any more.
>     > Thanks,
>     > Kai Pastor
>     -- 
>       -- Howard Chu

> -- 
> *Phil Cluff
> *He/Him | Director of Product Management, Mux Video | Mux <https://mux.com>

  -- Howard Chu

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