[rtmpdump] Building procedure

Jamenson Ferreira Espindula de Almeida Melo jafesp at gmail.com
Sun May 17 05:54:39 EEST 2020


Conglatulations for the excellent software!

I have got the sources from GIT. I have read the "README" file, but no
word about the building procedure.

So, what is the exact build procedure?

My Operating System is GNU + Linux From Scratch - version 9.1 (System V Edition)

Thank you!

Jamenson Ferreira Espindula de Almeida Melo
Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Pernambuco, Brazil
GNU/Linux user # 166197

Key fingerprint:
234D 1914 4224 7C53 BD13  6855 2AE0 25C0 08A8 6180


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