[rtmpdump] rtmpdump not detecting playpath

Susi Lehtola susi.lehtola at iki.fi
Wed Jan 8 20:57:22 CET 2014


I'm the new maintainer of the rtmpdump package in RPMFusion (for
the Fedora linux distribution).

The package hadn't been updated for a couple of years, and I just
updated it to the newest SCM snapshot, but I already got a bug report
on it. See below (copied from



With previous version rtmpdump-2.4-0.3.20110811gitc58cfb3e.fc19.i686
playpathin this example detected fine as mp4:demo/sample (and right app

$ rtmpdump -V -r
rtmp://draco.streamingwizard.com/wizard/_definst_/demo/sample.mp4 -o
sample.mp4 RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license:
GPL DEBUG: Parsing...
DEBUG: Parsed protocol: 0
DEBUG: Parsed host    : draco.streamingwizard.com
DEBUG: Parsed app     : wizard/_definst_
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP
DEBUG: Hostname : draco.streamingwizard.com
DEBUG: Port     : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath : mp4:demo/sample
DEBUG: tcUrl    : rtmp://draco.streamingwizard.com:1935/wizard/_definst_
DEBUG: app      : wizard/_definst_
DEBUG: live     : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 30 sec
DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms

But with new version wrong playpath detected (mp4:sample) and wrong app

$ rtmpdump -V -r
-osample.mp4 RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license:
GPL DEBUG: Parsing...
DEBUG: Parsed protocol: 0
DEBUG: Parsed host    : draco.streamingwizard.com
DEBUG: Parsed app     : wizard/_definst_/demo
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP
DEBUG: Hostname : draco.streamingwizard.com
DEBUG: Port     : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath : mp4:sample
DEBUG: tcUrl    :
rtmp://draco.streamingwizard.com:1935/wizard/_definst_/demo DEBUG:
app      : wizard/_definst_/demo DEBUG: live     : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 30 sec
DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms
Connecting ...
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking
DEBUG: HandShake: Type Answer   : 03
DEBUG: HandShake: Server Uptime : 96850052
DEBUG: HandShake: FMS Version   :
DEBUG: HandShake: Handshaking finished....
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, handshaked
DEBUG: Invoking connect
INFO: Connected...
DEBUG: HandleServerBW: server BW = 2500000
DEBUG: HandleClientBW: client BW = 2500000 2
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, received ctrl. type: 0, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleCtrl, Stream Begin 0
DEBUG: HandleChangeChunkSize, received: chunk size change to 4096
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 261 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:             fmsVer, STRING:     FMS/3,5,7,7009>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:       capabilities, NUMBER:     31.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:               mode, NUMBER:     1.00>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:              level, STRING:     status>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:               code, STRING:    
DEBUG: Property: <Name:        description, STRING:     Connection
succeeded.> DEBUG: Property: <Name:               data, ECMA_ARRAY>
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:            version, STRING:     3,5,7,7009>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:           clientid, NUMBER:     60311607.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:     objectEncoding, NUMBER:     0.00>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_result>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, received result for method call <connect>
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0003
DEBUG: Invoking createStream
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 29 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: NULL
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_result>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, received result for method call <createStream>
DEBUG: SendPlay, seekTime=0, stopTime=0, sending play: mp4:sample
DEBUG: Invoking play
DEBUG: sending ctrl. type: 0x0003
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 171 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: NULL
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:              level, STRING:     error>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:               code, STRING:    
DEBUG: Property: <Name:        description, STRING:     Failed to play
sample; stream not found.>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:           clientid, NUMBER:     60311607.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:            details, STRING:     sample>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <onStatus>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, onStatus: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
DEBUG: Closing connection.

So rtmpdump-2.4-1.20131205.gitdc76f0a.fc20 needs at least additional
parameter "-y mp4:demo/sample" which was not needed with previous
Susi Lehtola
susi.lehtola at iki.fi

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