[rtmpdump] [PATCH] Add support for limelight authentication

Martin Storsjo martin at martin.st
Tue Mar 20 18:12:23 CET 2012

From: Björn Axelsson <bjorn.axelsson at intinor.se>

This is a new version of the limelight authentication patch
sent by Björn Axelsson in
rebased on top of the latest master and on top of the latest
version of the adobe auth patch.

FWIW, this patch and the preceding Adobe auth patch is
also available on github, at

 librtmp/rtmp.c |  184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/librtmp/rtmp.c b/librtmp/rtmp.c
index c5ffcfb..4fc1087 100644
--- a/librtmp/rtmp.c
+++ b/librtmp/rtmp.c
@@ -2383,6 +2383,18 @@ static void md5sum(const unsigned char *data, int len, unsigned char *out)
 static const AVal av_authmod_adobe = AVC("authmod=adobe");
+static const AVal av_authmod_llnw  = AVC("authmod=llnw");
+static char *hexenc(unsigned char *inbuf, int len)
+    char *dst = malloc(len * 2 + 1), *ptr = dst;
+    while(len--) {
+        sprintf(ptr, "%02x", *inbuf++);
+        ptr += 2;
+    }
+    *ptr = '\0';
+    return dst;
 static int
 PublisherAuth(RTMP *r, AVal *description)
@@ -2543,6 +2555,178 @@ PublisherAuth(RTMP *r, AVal *description)
               r->Link.tcUrl.av_len, r->Link.tcUrl.av_val,
+  else if (strstr(description->av_val, av_authmod_llnw.av_val) != NULL)
+    {
+      if(strstr(description->av_val, "code=403 need auth") != NULL)
+        {
+            /* This part seems to be the same for llnw and adobe */
+            if (strstr(r->Link.app.av_val, av_authmod_llnw.av_val) != NULL) {
+              RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, wrong pubUser & pubPasswd for publisher auth", __FUNCTION__);
+              r->Link.pFlags |= RTMP_PUB_CLEAN;
+              return 0;
+            } else if(r->Link.pubUser.av_len && r->Link.pubPasswd.av_len) {
+              pubToken.av_val = malloc(r->Link.pubUser.av_len + av_authmod_llnw.av_len + 8);
+              pubToken.av_len = sprintf(pubToken.av_val, "?%s&user=%s",
+                      av_authmod_llnw.av_val,
+                      r->Link.pubUser.av_val);
+              RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, pubToken1: %s", __FUNCTION__, pubToken.av_val);
+              r->Link.pFlags |= RTMP_PUB_NAME;
+            } else {
+              RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, need to set pubUser & pubPasswd for publisher auth", __FUNCTION__);
+              r->Link.pFlags |= RTMP_PUB_CLEAN;
+              return 0;
+            }
+        }
+      else if((token_in = strstr(description->av_val, "?reason=needauth")) != NULL)
+        {
+          char *orig_ptr;
+          char *par, *val = NULL;
+          char *user = NULL;
+          char *nonce = NULL;
+          ptr = orig_ptr = strdup(token_in);
+          /* Extract parameters (we need user and nonce) */
+          while (ptr)
+            {
+              par = ptr;
+              ptr = strchr(par, '&');
+              if(ptr)
+                  *ptr++ = '\0';
+              val =  strchr(par, '=');
+              if(val)
+                  *val++ = '\0';
+              if (strcmp(par, "user") == 0){
+                  user = val;
+              } else if (strcmp(par, "nonce") == 0){
+                  nonce = val;
+              }
+              RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, par:\"%s\" = val:\"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, par, val);
+            }
+          // FIXME: handle case where user==NULL or nonce==NULL
+          /* llnw auth method
+           * Seems to be closely based on HTTP Digest Auth:
+           *    http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617
+           *    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication
+           */
+          const char *authmod = "llnw";
+          const char *realm = "live";
+          const char *method = "publish";
+          const char *qop = "auth";
+          char *tmpbuf;
+          /* nc = 1..connection count (or rather, number of times cnonce has been reused) */
+          int nc = 1;
+          /* nchex = hexenc(nc) (8 hex digits according to RFC 2617) */
+          char nchex[9];
+          sprintf(nchex, "%08x", nc);
+          /* cnonce = hexenc(4 random bytes) (initialized on first connection) */
+          char cnonce[9];
+          srand( time(NULL) ); // FIXME: a lib shouldn't call srand()
+          sprintf(cnonce, "%08x", rand());
+          /* hash1 = hexenc(md5(user + ":" + realm + ":" + password)) */
+          tmpbuf = malloc(strlen(user) + 1 + strlen(realm) + 1 + r->Link.pubPasswd.av_len + 1);
+          sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s:%s:%s", user, realm, r->Link.pubPasswd.av_val);
+          md5sum((unsigned char*)tmpbuf, strlen(tmpbuf), md5sum_val);
+          RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, md5(%s) =>", __FUNCTION__, tmpbuf);
+          RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+          free(tmpbuf);
+          char *hash1 = hexenc(md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+          /* hash2 = hexenc(md5(method + ":/" + app + "/" + appInstance)) */
+          /* Extract appname + appinstance without query parameters */
+          char *apptmp = malloc(r->Link.app.av_len + 1), *qpos;
+          memcpy(apptmp, r->Link.app.av_val, r->Link.app.av_len);
+          apptmp[r->Link.app.av_len] = '\0';
+          if((qpos = strchr(apptmp, '?')))
+              *qpos = '\0';
+          tmpbuf = malloc(strlen(method) + 2 + strlen(apptmp) + 1);
+          sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s:/%s", method, apptmp);
+          md5sum((unsigned char*)tmpbuf, strlen(tmpbuf), md5sum_val);
+          RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, md5(%s) =>", __FUNCTION__, tmpbuf);
+          RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+          free(tmpbuf);
+          char *hash2 = hexenc(md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+          free(apptmp);
+          /* hash3 = hexenc(md5(hash1 + ":" + nonce + ":" + nchex + ":" + cnonce + ":" + qop + ":" + hash2)) */
+          tmpbuf = malloc(strlen(hash1) + 1 + strlen(nonce) + 1 + strlen(nchex) + 1 + strlen(cnonce) + 1 + strlen(qop) + 1 + strlen(hash2) + 1);
+          sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", hash1, nonce, nchex, cnonce, qop, hash2);
+          md5sum((unsigned char*)tmpbuf, strlen(tmpbuf), md5sum_val);
+          RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, md5(%s) =>", __FUNCTION__, tmpbuf);
+          RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+          free(tmpbuf);
+          char *hash3 = hexenc(md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+          /* pubToken = &authmod=<authmod>&user=<username>&nonce=<nonce>&cnonce=<cnonce>&nc=<nchex>&response=<hash3> */
+          /* Append nonces and response to query string which already contains
+           * user + authmod */
+          pubToken.av_val = malloc(64 + strlen(authmod) + strlen(user) + strlen(nonce) + strlen(cnonce) + strlen(nchex) + strlen(hash3));
+          sprintf(pubToken.av_val,
+                  "&nonce=%s&cnonce=%s&nc=%s&response=%s",
+                  nonce, cnonce, nchex, hash3);
+          pubToken.av_len = strlen(pubToken.av_val);
+          RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, pubToken2: %s", __FUNCTION__, pubToken.av_val);
+          r->Link.pFlags |= RTMP_PUB_RESP|RTMP_PUB_CLATE;
+          free(hash1);
+          free(hash2);
+          free(hash3);
+          free(orig_ptr);
+        }
+      else if(strstr(description->av_val, "?reason=authfail") != NULL)
+        {
+          RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Authentication failed", __FUNCTION__);
+          r->Link.pFlags |= RTMP_PUB_CLEAN;
+          return 0;
+        }
+      else if(strstr(description->av_val, "?reason=nosuchuser") != NULL)
+        {
+          RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Authentication failed: no such user", __FUNCTION__);
+          r->Link.pFlags |= RTMP_PUB_CLEAN;
+          return 0;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Authentication failed: unknown auth mode: %s",
+                  __FUNCTION__, description->av_val);
+          r->Link.pFlags |= RTMP_PUB_CLEAN;
+          return 0;
+        }
+      ptr = malloc(r->Link.app.av_len + pubToken.av_len);
+      strncpy(ptr, r->Link.app.av_val, r->Link.app.av_len);
+      strncpy(ptr + r->Link.app.av_len, pubToken.av_val, pubToken.av_len);
+      r->Link.app.av_len += pubToken.av_len;
+      if(r->Link.pFlags & RTMP_PUB_ALLOC)
+          free(r->Link.app.av_val);
+      r->Link.app.av_val = ptr;
+      ptr = malloc(r->Link.tcUrl.av_len + pubToken.av_len);
+      strncpy(ptr, r->Link.tcUrl.av_val, r->Link.tcUrl.av_len);
+      strncpy(ptr + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len, pubToken.av_val, pubToken.av_len);
+      r->Link.tcUrl.av_len += pubToken.av_len;
+      if(r->Link.pFlags & RTMP_PUB_ALLOC)
+          free(r->Link.tcUrl.av_val);
+      r->Link.tcUrl.av_val = ptr;
+      free(pubToken.av_val);
+      r->Link.pFlags |= RTMP_PUB_ALLOC;
+      RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, new app: %.*s tcUrl: %.*s playpath: %s", __FUNCTION__,
+              r->Link.app.av_len, r->Link.app.av_val,
+              r->Link.tcUrl.av_len, r->Link.tcUrl.av_val,
+              r->Link.playpath.av_val);
+    }
       return 0;

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