[rtmpdump] issue with rtmpdump 2.3 and fms 3.5/4.0 : patch

Alexander Ivanenko kitovyj at mail.ru
Thu Mar 17 16:33:41 CET 2011

Hi All,

I had a compatibility issue with rtmpdump 2.3 and fms 3.5/4.0, because of
metadata being inserted in the stream via NetStream::send("@setDataFrame", ...,
see   (http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/rtmpdump/2011-February/001302.html)  http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/rtmpdump/2011-February/001302.html (http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/rtmpdump/2011-February/001302.html) .

As I figured out using wireshark the problem was the absence of "objectEncoding"
property in "connect" invocation. Without given property FMS silently closes the socket
during initial client-server conversation.

Here is the small patch, if anybody is interested:

Index: librtmp/rtmp.c
--- librtmp/rtmp.c    (revision 551)
+++ librtmp/rtmp.c    (working copy)
@@ -258,6 +258,13 @@
   r->m_fVideoCodecs = 252.0;
   r->Link.timeout = 30;
   r->Link.swfAge = 30;
+  /* Auriga - Ivanenko. We have to set the encoding("objectEncoding" in connect invocation) to make 
+     rtmpdump fully compatible with FMS 3.5/4.0, see
+       (http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/rtmpdump/2011-February/001302.html)   (http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/rtmpdump/2011-February/001302.html)   (http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/rtmpdump/2011-February/001302.html)  http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/rtmpdump/2011-February/001302.html (http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/rtmpdump/2011-February/001302.html)  */
+  r->m_fEncoding = 3.0;
+  r->m_bSendEncoding = TRUE;

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