[rtmpdump] Problem downloading p008fcfq Doctor Who - The Adventure Games

Bill Denton dentonwe at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 12:04:02 CEST 2010

Already running v2.2e under Ubuntu:

uname -a
Linux mythtv 2.6.28-14-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Sat Jul 25 00:28:35 UTC
2009 i686 GNU/Linu

Ran the command as given below and got the following output:

RTMPDump v2.2e
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP
DEBUG: Hostname : bbcmedia.fcod.llnwd.net
DEBUG: Port     : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath :
DEBUG: tcUrl    :
DEBUG: swfUrl   : http://www.bbc.co.uk/emp/10player.swf?revision=18269_19216
DEBUG: pageUrl  :
DEBUG: app      :
DEBUG: live     : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 10 sec
DEBUG: c4 e8 99 6c 5f 69 1a 32 3a 36 23 ed 07 9c 72 67
DEBUG: 98 eb 24 9c 95 d6 7a 6f f6 73 29 d1 6c b1 bc 2a
DEBUG: SWFSize  : 1020525
DEBUG: Failed to get last keyframe.
DEBUG: Closing connection.

Also tried again using get_iplayer directly and got the following:

INFO: Command: /usr/local/bin/rtmpdump --port 1935 --protocol 0
--playpath mp4:iplayerstream/secure_auth/1500kbps/WilliG16-00016314-High_Quality_DOCTOR_WHO_GAME_-_VA2_Flash9_Hi_v1_0.mp4
--host bbcmedia.fcod.llnwd.net --swfVfy
http://www.bbc.co.uk/emp/10player.swf?revision=18269_19216 --tcUrl
--app a1414/e3?as=adobe-hmac-sha256&av=1&te=connect&mp=iplayerstream/secure_auth/1500kbps/WilliG16-00016314-High_Quality_DOCTOR_WHO_GAME_-_VA2_Flash9_Hi_v1_0.mp4&et=1277473187&fmta-token=4ffafb4abf488fbce00a84a67d6a4dfc223b2f39427c2aaa4c3118abd497eb20
--pageUrl http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p008fcfq/Doctor_Who_Doctor_Who_trail_The_Adventure_Games/
--resume -o /storage/videos/Videos/Doctor Who/Series 5/test/Doctor Who
- Doctor Who trail - The Adventure Games.partial.mp4.flv --timeout 10
--verbose --debug

RTMPDump v2.2e
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP
DEBUG: Hostname : bbcmedia.fcod.llnwd.net
DEBUG: Port     : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath :
DEBUG: tcUrl    :
DEBUG: swfUrl   : http://www.bbc.co.uk/emp/10player.swf?revision=18269_19216
DEBUG: pageUrl  :
DEBUG: app      :
DEBUG: live     : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 10 sec
DEBUG: c4 e8 99 6c 5f 69 1a 32 3a 36 23 ed 07 9c 72 67
DEBUG: 98 eb 24 9c 95 d6 7a 6f f6 73 29 d1 6c b1 bc 2a
DEBUG: SWFSize  : 1020525
DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms
Connecting ...
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking
DEBUG: HandShake: Client type: 03
DEBUG: HandShake: Client digest offset: 430
DEBUG: HandShake: Initial client digest:
DEBUG: 17 a0 c8 c1 cc 49 d0 b4 70 d1 2d a4 7f 2f 6c 7c
DEBUG: c7 34 31 8c f1 59 88 34 32 3d e6 72 07 94 63 ad
DEBUG: HandShake: Type Answer   : 03
DEBUG: HandShake: Server Uptime : 1321780882
DEBUG: HandShake: FMS Version   :
DEBUG: HandShake: Calculated digest key from secure key and server digest:
DEBUG: 56 84 91 08 fa a5 21 33 43 28 3b 6e ea d7 be 4a
DEBUG: b5 1c cb 21 de e1 67 e5 c8 65 66 c8 0f 9c 9d 94
DEBUG: HandShake: Client signature calculated:
DEBUG: e2 0e 14 58 b6 6e df b5 10 fe e0 59 b9 8f a1 c2
DEBUG: 0f e2 59 ad 39 50 33 9d 7b b4 6b 5c f2 5e 88 26
DEBUG: HandShake: Server sent signature:
DEBUG: 94 9a 02 60 2c 97 97 3a 5e c8 77 cf 0b cd 6d b9
DEBUG: 04 d6 32 b4 e3 bd 1c da 38 8f 1c 93 ae 6d 94 f6
DEBUG: HandShake: Digest key:
DEBUG: 4d b9 69 79 12 0c 29 38 10 5b 55 10 6d 0b 34 e5
DEBUG: 4c d3 63 3b 23 b9 6b 09 3f e6 45 cd bc 95 43 76
DEBUG: HandShake: Signature calculated:
DEBUG: 94 9a 02 60 2c 97 97 3a 5e c8 77 cf 0b cd 6d b9
DEBUG: 04 d6 32 b4 e3 bd 1c da 38 8f 1c 93 ae 6d 94 f6
DEBUG: HandShake: Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server
DEBUG: HandShake: Handshaking finished....
... snip ...
DEBUG2: RTMP_SendPacket: fd=4, size=34
DEBUG2:   0000:  43 ff ff ff 00 00 22 14  ff ff ff 66
DEBUG2:   0000:  02 00 0c 64 65 6c 65 74  65 53 74 72 65 61 6d 00
DEBUG2:   0010:  40 28 00 00 00 00 00 00  05 00 3f f0 00 00 00 00
DEBUG2:   0020:  00 00                                              ..
DEBUG: Invoking deleteStream
DEBUG: Got Play.Complete or Play.Stop from server. Assuming stream is complete

5453.354 kB / 32.12 sec (99.8%)
DEBUG: RTMP_Read returned: 0
Download may be incomplete (downloaded about 99.80%), try resuming
DEBUG: Closing connection.

Can send the complete log (compressed) if required.
Hope this helps. Thanks for the excellent work from rtmpdump.


On 24 June 2010 20:29, Howard Chu <hyc at highlandsun.com> wrote:
> David Woodhouse wrote:
>> (resending with correct address for rtmpdump list)
>> Not obvious enough that people always manage to try it before asking,
>> and rtmpdump has a number of issues with resume. But yeah, looking back
>> at Bill's log it is obvious in retrospect that _he_ had started from
>> scratch; sorry.
>> Still an rtmpdump problem though, I think -- it's exiting with an error
>> code when it really succeeded. This rtmpdump command:
>>  rtmpdump --port 1935 --protocol 0 --playpath
>> 'mp4:iplayerstream/secure_auth/1500kbps/WilliG16-00016314-High_Quality_DOCTOR_WHO_GAME_-_VA2_Flash9_Hi_v1_0.mp4'
>> --host bbcmedia.fcod.llnwd.net --swfVfy
>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/emp/10player.swf?revision=18269_19216 --tcUrl
>> 'rtmp://bbcmedia.fcod.llnwd.net:1935/a1414/e3?as=adobe-hmac-sha256&av=1&te=connect&mp=iplayerstream/secure_auth/1500kbps/WilliG16-00016314-High_Quality_DOCTOR_WHO_GAME_-_VA2_Flash9_Hi_v1_0.mp4&et=1276949491&fmta-token=2db1540a4b5011d65ba3f56082c8f28b965ca5a4e826ceb97c330ddcc3ab939b'
>> --app
>> 'a1414/e3?as=adobe-hmac-sha256&av=1&te=connect&mp=iplayerstream/secure_auth/1500kbps/WilliG16-00016314-High_Quality_DOCTOR_WHO_GAME_-_VA2_Flash9_Hi_v1_0.mp4&et=1276949491&fmta-token=2db1540a4b5011d65ba3f56082c8f28b965ca5a4e826ceb97c330ddcc3ab939b'
>> --pageUrl '' --resume -o
>> Doctor_Who_-_Doctor_Who_-_The_Adventure_Games_p008fcfq_default.partial.mp4.flv
>> --timeout 10 --verbose --debug
>> is bailing out...
> Looks like you're using something older than rtmpdump 2.2e. Try again with
> the latest code, this should already be fixed.
... snip ...
>> INFO: Command exit code 2 (raw code = 512)
>> DEBUG: Record using flashvhigh1 mode return code: 'retry'
>> WARNING: Retry recording for 'Doctor Who - Doctor Who - The Adventure
>> Games (p008fcfq)'
>> Perhaps the ignored zero-size audio packets account for the missing
>> 0.2%?

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