[rtmpdump] MSVC Support (static lib w/CRYPTO)

Anony Mous anonymous247 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 06:32:55 CEST 2010

Alright, I've made the necessary modifications to allow librtmp (not the executables, just the 
library) to compile as a 32 bit C (not C++) static lib under MS Visual C 2008.  The patch (see 
attachment) is based on revision 426 of the rtmpdump svn depot.

The change includes two headers found online to simulate stdint and stdbool support under windows, 
the headers for any relevant license terms.  The Visual Studio project defines CRYPTO, and specifies 
an include path for openssl that expects openssl to exist as a sibling directory of the rtmpdump 
directory, and for the openssl directory to be named 'openssl-0.9.8k'.  Because of this, if you link 
the rtmpdump static lib to an application, you must also link openssl-0.9.8k to your application or 
you will encounter undefined externals at link time.

In case it matters, I consider my code portions in this patch (everything excluding the stdint.h and 
stdbool.h files) to be public domain, and will claim no copyright on them.

Because of MSVC's lack of C99 support, many changes had to be made to variable declarations that 
were occurring following statements.  If this patch is accepted, it will require effort to maintain 
the MSVC support because of the lack of C99.  My intent was to make it easy to link in librtmp 
support to applications (XBMC specifically) under win32.  MinGW might be an alternative way to 
achieve that, but I have not explored that option.

I'm hoping to find time in the next couple of days to attempt linking this lib to XBMC under win32.
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