[MPlayer-users] Cycle through available subtitles key binding

Walter Alejandro Iglesias wai at roquesor.com
Sat May 11 10:55:28 EEST 2024

Greetings everyone!

I'm an old mplayer user, a couple of years ago I switched to mpv because
some things there just worked, but lately I'm regretting being fooled
down by the paved road.  Today, wanting to report a bug to mpv I
experienced the latest frustration, just trying to create an account on
github they put me a captcha with 3D animations!  The other option mpv
give you is a IRC chat.  Call me an old fart but I'm glad that this
project still exists and it has a mailing list, which is the right tool.

Anyways, the only feature I miss from mpv is being able to store the
current playback position when I exit the application.

And the only question I have now is if there's some way to bind a key to
the "sub_select" command to be able to cycle through subtitles in the
same way the default keybindings (J and j) allow you.  My first attempt
was to put the following in ~/.mplayer/input.conf:

 J	sub_select +1
 K	sub_select -1

That doesn't work as expected.  The only you can do is:

 J	sub_select

... to cycle forward through subtitles but I found no way to make it
work backwards.

If you add a number without -|+ the command selects that specific
subtitle in the list, for example:

 J	sub_select 2

Selects the second subtitle in the list.


Using my patched version of OpenBSD mail(1).

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