[MPlayer-users] heartbeat-cmd question

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 26 14:42:46 EET 2020

Dear fellow mplayer users,

I installed mplayer from source on Fedora 32 and I copied settings that previously worked.  I have in ~/.mplayer/config the following:

# Write your default config options here!

#=af volume=10.0:100

# add heartbeat command here for no screen blanking
heartbeat-cmd="xscreensaver-command -deactivate >&- 2>&- &"

# add equalizer to full treble and bass
af=equalizer=4.3:3.3:0.0:4.4:-2.9:1.0:4.8:6.7:7.2:7.2 # full bass and treble

However when playing a video, screen goes blank. I read that using gnome-session-inhibit the screen does not go blank and plays the video until it finishes.  I tried it and it works.  I am just using screen blank and I tried putting the "gnome-session-inhibit" command in heartbeat-cmd but it does not work.  For now I need to put 
$ gnome-system-inhibit mplayer $1
to play a video/audio file.   Is there something I can change in the ~/.mplayer/config file to allow me to play files and the screen does not go blank?

Best Regards,


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