[MPlayer-users] Using ffmpeg or mencoder to edit files with a edit list

James Board jpboard2 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 13 16:03:40 CEST 2013

My input file is in a raw frame-by-frame format: there's no MPEG
encoding or groups of pictures.  Each frame is stored by itself.  I'd
like to do frame-exact editing on the file.  For example: remove
commercials in an hour long show.

I have an edit list, which is a text file.  It consists of a list of start and
end frame for each sequence of frames of the input file that I would
like to include in the output file.  Alternatively, I could generate a list 

of sequences that I would like to delete from the output file.

This seems like a simple thing to do, but I'm not sure if it's common 

enough for it to have been coded into ffmpeg.  Is there a way, with
ffmpeg or mencoder, to somehow produce the output file with only
the desired sequences?  I didn't see this is in the documentation, but 

then I only searched on 'edit' and didn't find what I wanted.

Alternatively, are there other tools, maybe avidemux_cli, that specialize
in this?  I don't need a GUI to figure out what the edit cut points are, I only
need to apply them to my file.

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