[MPlayer-users] Unable to play Apple ProRes 422 sample

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Mon Sep 13 13:29:29 CEST 2010

Dominic Bird <dominic <at> theark.uk.com> writes:

> As prores has been brought up again the mov demuxer still uses the wrong
> method to get the frame rate. Any news on this at all? I can't see any other
> issues with the mov demuxer and binary codecs apart from this. Would be
> great if it could get fixed. Anybody good at patching as im sure the code from
> lavf demuxer could be used within the mov demuxer as that uses the right
> method.

Could you explain again what is bad about the lavf demuxer?
Note that the native demuxer is deprecated, so it makes more sense to point on
the problems with lavf.

Carl Eugen

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