[MPlayer-users] mplayer cache option greatly reduces performance

Ilya Basin basinilya at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 13:08:19 CET 2010

Hi. I needed a larger cache because I have some videos stored on
another samba server and it's laggy.
I set options: cache=20000, cache-min=10 , and that helped to play
those videos smoothly,

But that caused all 1280x720 mp4 files stored
on my local drive to lag and A/V desync with mplayer message:
**** Your system is too SLOW to play this! ****

I tried cache values from 1000 to 80000, and they lag in any case. But
without the option "cache" these videos play well.
Now I commented "cache" in config.

In short, even with -nocache they play faster than with any cache. Unoptimized? Broken?

mplayer revision 30887
Archlinux x86
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