[MPlayer-users] navigating dvd menus

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Sun Jan 31 16:36:44 CET 2010

Does anyone know of a utility that dumps a dvd menu structure in a way 
that can be easily processed by a shell script?

I'm trying to find a way to identify the title that gets played when the 
user selects the "main feature" or "play feature" using a CLI script.




   ,>/'_         o__
   (_)\(_)       ,>/'_          o__
A day may come  (_)\(_)         ,>/'_      o__
when the courage of men fails, (_)\(_)     ,>/'_ 
when we forsake our friends and break all (_)\(_)
bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
It is not this day!
This day we ride!

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