[MPlayer-users] Debian changelog naming conflicts with Ubuntu

andrew andrew.david.45 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 22:47:36 CET 2008


 I have a question about the naming convention in the debian/changelog
file for the svn mplayer. When creating a debian package from the
current svn mplayer the following naming convention is used:

mplayer (1.0svn) unstable; urgency=low

* change version naming from cvs to svn.

-- Aurelien Jacobs <aurel at gnuage.org>  Tue, 20 Jun 2006 13:02:14 +0200

 This produces a package whose identification as '1.0' is marked as 'older' by
the Gutsy Gibbon and Hardy Heron branches of Ubuntu who respectively
brand their mplayer packages as:


 Leading to overwriting of the svn mplayer by those who trust apt a
little too much.

An ugly hack is to change the file /debian/changelog to:

mplayer (3:1.0svn) etc

But is there a better and more definitive way to deal with this
problem, and is it a Debian problem as well?

And in answer to an obvious question: yes I have filed a bug report
with Ubuntu.




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