[MPlayer-users] Help w/ compiling source

Richard Geddes rich.geddes at verizon.net
Sun Jan 20 09:37:40 CET 2008

Krzysztof Duchnowski wrote:
> Richard Geddes pisze:
> You have really mess with MPlayer video output.
>> Can't open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
>> [fbdev2] Can't open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
> Are you trying to output video to framebuffer?
No.  I think mplayer is trying to find my output device... I'm not
trying to output to anything in particular... I thought the ./configure
would auto detect my video hardware and set the correct configuration
>> VO: [v4l2] No such file or directory
> Are you trying output video to usb camera/pci tv card?
No.. as before.. I did not specify a particular device.. thought mplayer
would find it.
>> vo_cvidix: No vidix driver name provided, probing available ones (-v
>> option for details)!
> CVIDIX aren't working output for your graphics driver...
Yes I realize that... I don't understand why mplayer doesn't understand
my video hardware... it's mplayer that is trying these video devices...
not me.... should I have specified something in the ./configuration for
my video hardware?
>> [radeon] Found chip: Radeon RV250 If [Radeon 9000]
>> [radeon] Video memory = 128Mb
>> [radeon] Set write-combining type of video memory
>> [radeon] DVI port has DFP monitor connected
>> [radeon] CRT port has no monitor connected
>> [VO_SUB_VIDIX] Description: BES driver for Radeon cards.
>> [VO_SUB_VIDIX] Author: Nick Kurshev.
> And I never could output video to the VIDIX too at both ATI and nVidia 
> cards.
> So... play this file with:
> # mplayer -vo xv movie.avi
No luck with -vo xv option... but a new window for the video doesn't
even pop up.  There should be a new window that pops up to contain the

One thing I noticed is that the driver that mplayer (radeon) identifies
is different than the driver Ubuntu is using... ATI Radeon fglrx (ati -
ATI Mach 8, Mach32, mach64, and Rage... I think this may the problem...
mplayer identifies my card correctly but may not me talking to the
correct driver... because Ubuntu is using a different driver  Is there a
way to make mplayer get the video information from Ubuntu instead of
trying to figure it out by itself?
> and see if it's works.
> If theres no trouble then edit file "/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf" and 
> serach for "# Specify default video driver (see -vo help for a list)." 
> line at the beginning. Just below this line you must have line with 
> "vo=xxxx". Change this whatever "xxxx" to "xv".

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