[MPlayer-users] A 1:1 rendition, please

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu Jan 3 19:25:38 CET 2008


Rashkae <rashkae <at> tigershaunt.com> writes:

> and it's not clear yet whether his older version was still one that 
> defaulted to 4:3 monitor aspect.

That IS absolutely clear: He described exactly the problems I had when I bought
my FW900 (16:10 CRT monitor capable of HDTV), and that's why I changed the
standard to monitorpixelaspect=1 (I'm still curious why it hasn't always been).
And, btw, this whole thread makes it very clear that our standard answer "Please
update to latest svn (or at least rc2)" is so much needed!

> Hmm, but since 16:9 seemed to work for him

No, it did not work for him: But since the difference between 16:9 and 16:10 is
small, he didn't even realize it!

Carl Eugen

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