[MPlayer-users] mplayer won't play what I mencoder ed

Krzysztof Duchnowski amidk75 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 22:54:32 CET 2007

John Brown pisze:

> That's interesting. I cannot reproduce your result. Why does your MEncoder
> output mention:

>> Option lavfopts: Unknown suboption
>> i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames
>> Warning unknown option lavfopts at line 36

> when you do not have lavfopts in the command line?

Saa naa...

I've searched all my configuration files and found nothing about it - 
maybe I've missed it.

Here is the script for encoding 5 last pics from folder:


ls -1 *.JPG > list.txt

tmp=$(gawk '{nlines++} END {print nlines}' list.txt)
gawk -v tmp=$(($tmp-5)) 'FNR == tmp {while (getline) print}' list.txt > 

mencoder mf://@piclist.txt -mf type=jpg:fps=5 -nosound -vf-add 
scale=640:480 -ovc lavc -lavcopts 
vcodec=mpeg2video:cmp=2:mbd=2:trell:vqscale=31 -vf-add harddup -of mpeg 
-o test.mpg

It isn't fool proof but it could be a start for a better script (like 
what will happen when at the beginning of webcam work in the forder will 
be less than 5 pictures?).
It could be used with *cron* eg. at the 15min interval or so...

Krzysztof 'DK75' Duchnowski
GetFirefox - http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/
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