[MPlayer-users] chapter list bug

Jared Breland list-mplayer at legroom.net
Sat May 26 20:27:54 CEST 2007

I believe I've found a bug in mplayer.  I'm running the following command to
get information about a DVD:

mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/dvd -identify -novideo -nosound

The output of the command includes the number of chapters in the title, as
well as a list of chapter start times, as can be seen here:

CHAPTERS: 00:00:00,00:03:13,00:07:24,00:13:33,00:18:32,00:24:02,

That CHAPTERS list is supposed to be all on one line, but I broke it up for
e-mail formatting.  As you can see, there are 14 titles on the DVD, but the
CHAPTERS list only includes the start times of  13 chapters.  This
corresponds correctly to the first 13 chapters, but the start time of
chapter 14 is missing.  It begins at 01:09:57, which I know from manually
reviewing the disc, but I cannot find any reference to that in the mplayer

This appears to be a simple off-by-one logic bug.  Can anyone confirm?

For reference, here's my system info:
MPlayer dev-SVN-rUNKNOWN-4.1.1
Gentoo Base System release 1.12.9
Linux blackdog 2.6.20-gentoo-r8 #4 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 18 20:06:01 CDT 2007
x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600  @ 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
/lib/libc.so.6 -> libc-2.5.so
gcc version 4.1.2
GNU ld version 2.16.1
GNU assembler 2.16.1
DVD Model:  Samsung (TSSTcorp) D/DVDW SH-S183L


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