[MPlayer-users] bugs in MPlayer-1.0pre8

Uwe Bugla uwe.bugla at gmx.de
Fri Sep 22 17:30:18 CEST 2006

Hi folks,
I like MPlayer very much and I am new to this list.
I have found three points to be criticised in latest release 1.0pre8.

1. I am missing the xv output driver because my graphics card (ATI RAGE 128 32 MB RAM) urgently needs it as it is the only one that works fine.
2. The graphics drivers are not found if MPlayer is being started from a non-root directory, i. e. any home directory.
3. I am still wondering why
- the dvbstream engine has not been updated to latest version 0.6
- the configure script of MPlayer still looks for DVB /dev/ost- devices
which are definitely stonehenge since October 2002.

For a very very long time MPlayer has been my personal number one as a Linux multimedia player. This has changed definitely. My present number one since release 1.0 pre8 is xine-ui 0.99.4.

Hope there is someone reading this and fix the critized errors.

Thanks and lots of greetings


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